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 Hi there, I am Carmens and here is my story... 

I bring people who desire deeper connections on a transformation journey toward fun, friendship, and freedom. 

Do you desire deep relationships?

Do you have difficulty setting boundaries or asserting your thoughts positively?

Do you struggling to manage inner conflicts?

Do you feel inadequate and emptiness?

Do you want to break this vicious cycle that holds you back?

Read on...

Let's get to know each other...

I am a Psycho-somatic Therapist, Bestselling Author of Open Up To Love, Psychological Astrologer, Founder, Mentor, Healer, and Teacher of self-worth. I believe in empowering my clients to live their best versions of a life filled with self-love, inner truth, and deep connections with others.

Destiny led me to astrology and my curiosity in this ancient wisdom was piqued. While interpreting my natal chart, I realized that I was called to help people who are depressed, have low self-esteem, or have fears in expressing themselves socially so that they can be liberated from their fears and live in freedom and authenticity. Yes, right at the moment I was born, I was already called to do this work. It finally made sense that my shyness in childhood, the childhood emotional neglect as a child, my relationship problems, and my giftings as a teacher were meant to prepare me to be a therapist. Acting on this revelation, my life took on a different trajectory as I created her business based on my natal chart.

I have attained the VITA™ Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach certification which is a rigorous 1-year certification program. I am also a Conscious Dating coach, a certified image consultant and a practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). I have a Business degree from the National University of Singapore.

Today, I serve an international clientele of people who want deeper connections with others. Combining neuro-science, somatic therapy, embodiment practices, spirituality, and astrology, I help my clients gently remove their blockages, fears, and contractions around their sexuality, hearts, and relationships to reveal their wholeness and authenticity. I have created my proprietary Smart Bliss Love coaching program. I also created online courses Career Profile Compass and Archetypes Playshop for Women to support women in their self-discovery. 

I have since found my soulmate who is supportive of my coaching business. To pass it forward, I have dedicated my life’s work in a 3-step process--Fun, Friendship, and Freedom--to transform their lives inside out! 

Work with me

My mission is to empower clients to live their lives filled with self-love, inner truth, and deeper connections with others.

You are stuck in repeated patterns in love and relationships because of childhood imprints in your nervous system. These imprints cannot be removed by will or by logic. In other words, you can't talk yourself out of the programing by these imprints. In fact, the more you try to convince yourself to be positive, or to ignore these imprints, the worse it becomes.

There is HOPE! You can Co-create Your New Reality in Love and Relationships!

Because unintegrated trauma is imprinted in the body’s nervous system, we need to speak to the body through somatic (means ‘body’) healing practices. We can’t work with the body using the mind. For example, the more you try to get intimate in a relationship, the more fearful your nervous system becomes. 

What is imprinted in our body is more powerful than our conscious mind. Therefore, I use this the somatic embodiment approach to help my clients embrace their unintegrated parts to become whole, liberated, alive, and empowered. By using these somatic embodiment practices, I am able to get you from stuck to liberated in the gentlest and safest and most effective way.

Let's see if we are a good fit.

    This coaching will be most beneficial for you if...

  • You allow yourself to be messy and show up as you are.

  • You resonate with energy healing and/or spiritual support.

  • You are curious about somatic healing, and have done other modalities of therapy, coaching, and self-development.

  • You prioritize your healing and you can commit the time, money, and energy to it.

    This is not for you if...

  • You have severe depression and mental health imbalances and can’t function in life such as going to work, getting out of bed, or interacting with loved ones. If this is you, you may want to visit a psychiatrist first.

  • You are impatient and expect fast result. Yet you are new or have done very little self-development or healing work on these wounds that happened many years ago.

  • You are not ready to show up for our sessions and can’t commit to the financial investment.

  • You expect this to be like talk therapy and are not open to somatic or energy work to your healing.

Client Testimonials

With❤️from clients

This coaching program is life-changing!

"I joined the Smart Bliss Love coaching program because I wanted to consciously date, not be afraid, and not be stuck in stories about dating and relationships. Carmens Loh helped me to work on attachment issues, self-love, and clear way more garbage than I knew I had.

Before this coaching program, I wondered, “Can I even have a soulmate?”

Now I know soulmate love is possible. Now I say yes to dating. My desires now are to meet men I want to meet and have a pleasurable time with them. I am not afraid to go on dates. I am confident I can communicate with myself, have fun and enjoy myself in dating. This is because I am now committed to presence and intimacy with self-love. I am ready for a new way of being. I am transformed! Smart Bliss Love program is life-changing!"


Breakthroughs and the confidence to love again!

"Thanks to Carmens for her wisdom and patience in bringing clarity to my confusion. Her sense of humor and credibility made me feel safe to relax and freely share my relationship issue. Self-discovery helped me to dig out my inner problems. Then I reconciled a part of who I really am and did not reject it. The program more than meets the eye. My 1st breakthrough was realizing that I should not be a people-pleaser as it hindered my relationships as I burned out quickly. My 2nd breakthrough was when I gave unconditional love, I actually gained something. This makes me fearless to give love now. My 3rd breakthrough was I re-connected with my real original self. I am happy and also attract the right people into my life, not sickly people with issues. After the program, I can differentiate what comes from the mind and the heart distinctively, and thus make the right decisions. All these mean I will not miss out on the best person for me. I am confident in relationships again."


Hope in dating and finding desired relationship

"I definitely want to thank Carmens. You have given me much hope in dating and finding somebody I want to be with. Before I started working with you. I had zero hope of finding anybody. I can now see a path toward that desired relationship through working with you. I definitely recommend working with Carmens."



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